The film follows Marcus, an audio-obsessed high school senior who learns he must undergo brain surgery that will render him deaf. He decides to seize control of his fate by recording the Ultimate Playlist of Noise—a bucket list of all his favorite sounds. Once he sets out, he meets Wendy, a wildly charming, struggling musician who is trying to escape to New York for her chance at a life-changing opportunity. Together they check off his list as they make their way across the country, until painful revelations force Marcus to face reality and his future without sound.
Upon learning he must undergo brain surgery that will render him deaf, Marcus, an audio-obsessed high school senior, takes control of his fate by recording a bucket list of all his favorite sounds.
Marcus é um formando da faculdade obcecado por sons – e descobre que deve passar por uma cirurgia cerebral que o deixará surdo. Ele, então, decide retomar um pouco de controle sobre seu destino ao gravar a Ultimate Playlist of Noise – uma lista de seus sons favoritos. Uma vez que começa a fazer isso, conhece Wendy, uma música charmosa e que luta diariamente para escapar de Nova York e encontrar sua oportunidade no mundo. Juntos, eles checam item após item da lista conforme cruzam o país, até que revelações dolorosas forçam Marcus a enfrentar a realidade e seu futuro sem sons.
Après avoir appris qu'il devrait subir une opération du cerveau qui le rendrait sourd, un jeune homme décide d'enregistrer " The Ultimate Playlist of Noise ", une liste récapitulative de tous ses sons préférés. En se rendant à New York pour retrouver l'enregistrement de son défunt frère, il fait la rencontre d'une musicienne.
Marcusra komoly agyműtét vár, amely következtében elveszíti majd a hallását. A férfi komoly tervre szánja el magát, mielőtt kés alá fekszik.
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