Due ragazzi telefonano a una stazione radio mentre sono alla guida di un'automobile. Per scherzare non vogliono riattaccare e disturbano la trasmissione condotta da una giovane donna, "Stretch". Mentre sono alla guida vengono affiancati da un'altra auto. A bordo c'è Leatherface che li uccide senza pietà. Ancora all'ascolto, Stretch è testimone dell'accaduto e collabora con lo sceriffo Lefty per catturare l'assassino.
Teksas, lata 80. Minęło 10 lat od wydarzeń, które rozegrały się na jednej z tutejszych farm. Zabójca zamordował wtedy piłą mechaniczną grupę nastolatków. Tymczasem lokalna rozgłośnia radiowa ma nagranie z odgłosami, które przywodzą na myśl dokonaną rzeź. Pracownik radia przekazuje informację o materiale szeryfowi Lefty'emu. Ustalają, że wyemituje go na antenie, by zabójcy nie czuli się bezkarni. Niestety, ta decyzja pociąga za sobą odwrotny skutek. Rodzina kanibali postanawia pozbyć się wszystkich świadków zbrodni sprzed lat.
In 1986, thirteen years after the events of the first film, two high school seniors, Buzz (Barry Kinyon) and Rick (Chris Douridas), race along a desolate stretch of Texas highway, en route to the Texas-OU football game at the Dallas Cotton Bowl (stadium). Heavily intoxicated, they use their car phone to call and harass on-air radio DJ Vanita "Stretch" Brock (Caroline Williams). Unable to convince them to hang up, Stretch is forced to keep the line open. While passing a pickup truck, Buzz and Rick are attacked by Leatherface (Bill Johnson (film and television actor)), who emerges from the back of the truck. Leatherface rips up the roof using his chainsaw. After a short struggle, Rick tries shooting Leatherface with his revolver but Leatherface fatally slices off part of the driving Buzz's head, and the car ends up crashing and killing Rick.
No Texas, policial aposentado persegue Leatherface e sua família, assassinos sádicos e canibais, responsáveis pela morte de seu sobrinho e de uma série de outros crimes hediondos. Movido pela vingança, ele arrisca tudo para encontrá-los.
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