华西学院的校花苏苏(赵奕欢 饰)独自赴景区旅游,结果遭遇山洪暴发,不得已滞留期间。她辗转来到老旧古朴的平安旅馆。经过一番讨价还价,她决定暂且在这里待上一周。电闪雷鸣的夜晚,接二连三诡异恐怖事件,令苏苏提心吊胆,惶恐难耐。次日一早,她结识了同样被困住的理工大学生陆苗(孔千 千 饰)、杨东(翟文斌 饰)以及摄影师林枫(王一 饰),青年人在一起让她暂时忘却昨夜的经历,而与林枫似曾相识的感觉又让苏苏隐隐预感到一段美好缘分的开始。
One evening, a student was walking alone at his campus, she saw a girl in school uniform walking in front of her, she try to call her, the girls turned her face, and what she saw is a strange old woman's face!. Since then, all student encounter a lot of strange events that might have something to do with the campus's history. What's happening actually? —anonymous