Pilo is an extraterrestrial child, lives with his mother in a small house in one of the asteroids of the belt that surrounds the planet Ankj. Every night he goes out to his balcony hoping that the stars have disappeared from the sky; According to his grandfather, there is a machine that generates the stars every night, and the male members of his family are responsible for repairing it.
Pilo es un niño extraterrestre, vive con su madre en una pequeña casa en uno de los asteroides del cinturón que rodea al planeta Ankj. Todas las noches sale a su balcón esperando que las estrellas hayan desaparecido del cielo; según su abuelo, existe una máquina que genera las estrellas cada noche, y los miembros varones de su familia son los encargados de repararla.
Pilo is an extraterrestrial child, lives with his mother in a small house in one of the asteroids of the belt that surrounds the planet Ankj. Every night he goes out to his balcony hoping that the stars have disappeared from the sky; According to his grandfather, there is a machine that generates the stars every night, and the male members of his family are responsible for repairing it.
Pilo is an extraterrestrial child, lives with his mother in a small house in one of the asteroids of the belt that surrounds the planet Ankj. Every night he goes out to his balcony hoping that the stars have disappeared from the sky; According to his grandfather, there is a machine that generates the stars every night, and the male members of his family are responsible for repairing it.
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