Deux sœurs, Stéphane et Bettie Brousseau risquent de perdre la porcherie, héritée de leur père, qu’elles opèrent ensemble. Joueuse compulsive, Stéphane a de la difficulté à épargner. Elle vend à Riendeau, son ex-mari, les plants de pot qui ont été semés et ont poussé dans son champ de maïs. Elle pense utiliser la commission de cette transaction pour payer rapidement ses dettes et éviter la saisie. Quand Paquette et son complice trafiquant se rendent compte que la culture a été vendue, ils kidnappent les sœurs Brousseau. Ils ignorent qu’un couple de Châteauguay attend l’enfant dont Bettie est la mère porteuse. Lorsque les deux parents s’installent à demeure pour aider Bettie à accoucher, l’entreprise des bandits devient périlleuse.
After inheriting a pig farm from their father, sisters Stephane and Betty do their best to keep the family business running. But while the very pregnant Betty is diligent about doing the work that needs to be done, Stephane can focus only on her crippling gambling problem, which has landed her in deep trouble with her creditors. Desperate for cash, she considers a dangerous option for repaying the debt … but will it work?
After inheriting a pig farm from their father, sisters Stephane and Betty do their best to keep the family business running. But while the very pregnant Betty is diligent about doing the work that needs to be done, Stephane can focus only on her crippling gambling problem, which has landed her in deep trouble with her creditors. Desperate for cash, she considers a dangerous option for repaying the debt … but will it work?
After inheriting a pig farm from their father, sisters Stephane and Betty do their best to keep the family business running. But while the very pregnant Betty is diligent about doing the work that needs to be done, Stephane can focus only on her crippling gambling problem, which has landed her in deep trouble with her creditors. Desperate for cash, she considers a dangerous option for repaying the debt … but will it work?