Taken from a short story by Maupassant, the action revolves around a middle-class couple. The husband borrows a pearl necklace from a jeweller friend for his wife to wear to a party. It is much admired at the party, but she is followed home by a burglar who breaks in and steals it. The next morning, the friend needs it back. It belongs to a customer he had been repairing it for. Excuses are made and they promise to return it later. They try to borrow money from friends to buy another, but without much success. Eventually, driven to desperation, the husband steals money from where he works and buys a replacement, which is returned to the owner. The husband, however, was seen taking the money from the safe at work, and is duly fired. The couple descend into poverty, and the wife reproaches herself for her vanity which has led them into such straits. The husband finds work and things improve