Después de la trágica muerte de su madre, Carlos "El Paletero" no tendrá más opción que cobrar justicia con sus propias manos. Su destino, un lejano pueblo. Su meta, recobrar las cenizas de su progenitora. Los medios no importan; lo que importa es que nadie quede impune. El Paletero es un western hondureño que promete hacer justicia.
After the tragic death of his mother, Carlos,"El Paletero", won't have a choice but to take justice into his own hands. His destination is a far away town. His mission is to recover his mother's ashes. The means in which he will be fulfilling his goal don't matter, what matters is that nothing is left in impunity.
After the tragic death of his mother, Carlos,"El Paletero", won't have a choice but to take justice into his own hands. His destination is a far away town. His mission is to recover his mother's ashes. The means in which he will be fulfilling his goal don't matter, what matters is that nothing is left in impunity.