The story revolves around Sam, a dignified, former Music hall artist who now works with his elderly trained dog Bella, busking in the West End of London. He lives in a run down goods yard alongside a derelict canal in Nine Elms. Two young children, Liz and Mark, stumble upon his yard whilst out walking. He chases them away, but his manner attracts their attention and despite his best efforts, they later follow him as he goes off to work carrying his dog and all his busking paraphernalia in an Edwardian Baby transport#Prams. Liz and Mark live with mum Chrissie and dad Bob and baby brother James in a drab, cramped basement flat in Nine Elms. Bob works at the local gasworks and the family are desperate to move to a new Council house. When they’re out of school, mum has little time for Liz and Mark and they find their own adventures together out on the streets.
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