Three stories all with a common theme : conjugal affairs in the ever-changing sexual landscape of Hong Kong. The trio of tales is loosely connected by having the protagonists share a luxury flat. Director Samson Chiu's "Star Hunter" depicts a philandering hairdresser who finally meets his match and discovers love isn't what it's cracked up to be. Yonfan's "Lonely Hearts Club" is a special delight with its balance of comedy and humanity in the May-December affair between a young stockbroker and his boss's soon-to-be ex-wife. Director Sylvia Chang's "Unwed Mother" is about a pregnant lady unsure over the identity of the baby's father. The sum of its 3 parts is a multi-faceted look at love, Hong Kong style, and a revealing glimpse of urban morals in the twilight of the 20th century.
- Conjugal Affairs
- In Between
三个故事讲述着现代人的爱和痛。第一个故事《摘星记》,主角星仔(林海峰 饰)是个美发师,“不要为一颗星星而放弃整个天空”是他秉承的爱情观,然而,当他遇上冰冰(吴倩莲 饰)后,一切都有了改变,他想向她表白,却每每欲言又止……第二个故事《怨妇俱乐部》,米高(吴奇隆 饰)是个不善于与人交往的年轻人,他决定在交友俱乐部寻觅可以发展的好友,结果他竟然迎来了一段忘年恋,年过四十的怨妇安娜(张艾嘉 饰)和米高开始了一段纠结的感情……第三个故事《未婚妈妈》,在可可刘(张曼玉 饰)和外籍男士发生关系后,她开始搞不清自己肚子里的骨肉是男友(赵文瑄 饰)的,还是那个英俊的外籍男人……