Dans une maison bourgeoise, Paul intervient pour faire cesser une dispute entre Michel et Sylvie, le couple au domicile duquel il livre des boissons. Il est invité à prendre l'apéritif, puis à souper. Pendant une nuit, il devient « l'aventure » à laquelle Sylvie aspire (source fr.wikipedia.org)
Paul delivers drinks in a bourgeois house when he hears the echoes of a violent dispute between the man and woman of the house. Soon they burst into the kitchen fighting. Paul intervenes and separates them. Then he is invited to take an aperitif, then to the supper. Michel apologizes, tries to explain his anger and the gestures that ensued. Paul listens without saying anything, the reasons for it. Mother of a little girl, model wife, conditioned by all her education, Sylvie has always lived in the shadow of her husband, impressed by his culture, dominated by his confidence, crushed by his intelligence. By dint of incarcerating Michel, she felt humiliated, then, little by little, she became aware of her own identity, to the point of demanding her freedom. The exchange continues between the spouses. From time to time he is asked for his consent or an opinion. Late in the evening, She makes it clear to her husband that she wants to be alone with their guest
Главный герой Поль — доставщик напитков, обслуживающий богатые дома. В одном из особняков Поль становится свидетелем бурной ссоры супругов, которая дошла до драки. Разняв ругающихся, Поль предлагаем им аперитив и выслушивает претензии супругов друг к другу. Неожиданно Поля втягивают в семейные отношения
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