本片是《罪途》三部曲的最后一部,紧接《罪途1之死亡列车》与《罪途2之救赎代价》,三集共同讲述了一个故事。 经过曲折的调查,为了找出车上的凶手,何赫不得不请刘惜之进行尸检,经过一番排查,他们发现了死者真正的死因。随着列车重启上路,他们是否能够找到答案?这个答案又将如何引出凶手?十年前的真相,能否全部揭开?
Train policeman He hopes that a autopsy of the body can help to find the real culprit and the true cause of his Death. Can the rising morning sun bring also light in the darkness of the case?
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