This drama is adapted from a Japanese television mini-series. In the story, an industrialist learns of a medical condition which will greatly shorten his life. He is on a trip to Europe at the time, and a glimpse of a Japanese woman in that setting causes him to fantasize about her as the personification of his impending death. As his dialogue with his imagined mortality continues, he actually meets the living woman who is the template for his fantasy, and together they tour rural churches. Gradually he comes to some kind of peace about the diagnosis. When he returns to Japan, he is met with a series of challenges which profoundly test the lessons he has learned
Tajihei Kazuki es un magnate de los negocios de Tokio que se está muriendo. Su esposa, Yoshie, falleció hace un año y considera un viaje de negocios como vacaciones para alejarse de la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, comienza a sentirse enfermo y le diagnostican cáncer terminal de estómago. Nadie más lo sabe, piensa en el suicidio, pero ese no es su estilo por lo que reevaluará su vida, sus valores, sus relaciones con familiares, colegas y amigos.
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