Set in 1921, the film centers around the character of novelist Winthrop Clavering (Emerson), known as "The World's Greatest Detective". Clavering befriends young inventor Bartholomew Thompson (Spottiswoode Aitken), who has just invented a radio controlled flying bomb (weaponry that would come to be known as guided missiles).<ref name="lenning"/><ref name="silentera"></ref> Bartholomew is soon murdered by spies, described as "yellow men from the East" in the film, who steal his new invention. Clavering and his Swedish maid Hulda (Bessie Love) set out to find the spies who have been invading the United States. Clavering and Hulda catch up with spies just as they invade California and force them out of the country with the same device they stole.
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