Osadzona w realiach życia cygańskiego taboru historia kilkunastoletniej polskiej dziewczyny, zafascynowanej Cyganami, ale nie zaakceptowanej przez nich. Lata 60-te. W pobliżu małego miasteczka rozbijają obóz Cyganie. Miejscowi traktują ich nieufnie, jedynie młoda dziewczyna zaprzyjaźnia się z jednym z przybyszów. [filmpolski.pl]
Even in Poland today, Gypsies are viewed with profound suspicion -- not that things are that much better for them anywhere else in Europe. In this coming-of-age drama, Mala, an ordinary Polish girl who is about thirteen years old, is just beginning to wake up to the world around her. When she hears the adults of the village making disparaging remarks about Gypsies, that's exactly what it takes to motivate her to go out and visit them. She has a rich and rewarding encounter, until the authorities come into their camp to drive them off. No one is harmed, and Mala's life has been changed for the better by her adventures.
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