Genuinely creepy "date" horror film from Wellson Chin features two stories linked together by wacky cop Dayo Wong. The first story involves Sheila Chan, who loses her fiancee in a car crash. However, he returns...stitched together. The second story is about Bowie Lam, who dies but returns in the body of Anthony Wong. He wants to be with his family again but when he discovers the truth about them and his new life, things change.
- The Day That Doesn't Exist
电影分为《眷恋》和《别恋》两个短片。 潘家诗(陈淑兰 饰)和男友林宏俊(陈启泰 饰)即将携手步入婚礼的殿堂,然而就在这个节骨眼上,林宏俊却遭遇了车祸下落不明。就在潘家诗心急如焚之际,林宏俊再度出现在了她的面前,仿佛什么都没有发生过一样。警察陈查礼(黄子华 饰)深觉事有蹊跷,调查之后发现林宏俊早已是孤魂野鬼,只靠着吸食活人阳气才得以留在世间,潘家诗得知真相,心碎欲绝。 李文杰(林保怡 饰)生性好赌,因此妻离子散,一场交通意外之中,他在阴差阳错之下和富豪邵志理(黄秋生 饰)互换了灵魂,直到此时文杰才发现自己深深惦念妻儿,无奈一切早已经回不去了。