Olga Bazanova, a remarkably beautiful Georgian is betrothed to Boris Louikomsky who loves her dearly. An archaeologist, he needs to travel to Egypt and has to postpone their wedding ceremony. He asks his best friend Wladimir Granowsky to watch over her. The latter tries to seduce Olga nonetheless. A love letter for Wladimir but that Olga thinks is addressed to her fiancé throws her in the arms of Wladimir. When Boris returns, she admits she cheated but will not reveal the name of her lover. Boris forgives and marries her. A few months later, Olga has a child. Confused about who the father is, Boris kills the Count Wodarsky in a duel. Wladimir feeling guilty, writes a letter to Boris and commits suicide. Crazy with grief, Boris kills Olga and himself.
1919 war eines der revolutionärsten Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts. In diesem Jahr gab es revolutionäre Aktivitäten in vielen verschiedenen Ländern Europas sowie in Ägypten. Das Chaos nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, der Fall der Reiche und die Bildung mehrerer neuer Nationen führten zu langwierigen Kämpfen um die politische Macht. In vielen Ländern verstanden Kommunisten und Anarchisten, dass dies der ideale Moment war, um die „Weltrevolution“ zu verwirklichen.
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