赵书信(刘子枫 饰)是某矿山公司的工程师,为人忠厚,工作勤勉。下棋是赵书信为数不多的爱好之一,他对自己那副棋子也格外珍惜,却于一次出差归来时发现丢失了一枚,情急之下冒雨前往邮局,发了一封“丢失黑炮301找赵”的电报给旅馆,寻找棋子。岂料这封电报招致邮局方面的怀疑,上报 公安局立案侦查,上升成了所谓的“黑炮事件”。
A key Fifth Generation work released during the second phase of Deng Xiaoping's social and economic reforms, this robust social satire delightfully depicts the clash between the rising class of rapid industrial modernizers and old Party cadres with a serious Cultural Revolution hangover. The film chronicles the Kafkaesque predicament of a bumbling factory translator who is suspected of industrial espionage after sending an innocent telegram that is intercepted by a militant snoop. (The "black cannon" of the title refers to the missing chess piece the hapless hero is trying to locate.) Placed under investigation and reassigned to a less sensitive department but never informed of the reason for his demotion, he petitions to get his job back, sparking an increasingly obtuse and hilarious series of Party meetings, set in a boardroom straight out of German Expressionism.
język polski