吐瓦魯,被國際評估為地球持續暖化,海平面持續上升50年後,第一個被淹沒的小島國。我啟程前往彼岸遙遠的吐瓦魯,在藍天、碧海、椰子樹下,熱切探索沈沒之島的證據,我到底找到什麼?旅途中我抱著滿腹的疑惑,乘著船在太平洋的浪花中擺盪,並不斷回憶起我那恍如夢境般,災難頻傳的島嶼… 在這意外的旅途中,尋歌聲的方向,我 找 到 了…
Tuvalu is an ally of Taiwan located in the southern Pacific Ocean. Its territory consists of only 26 square kilometers, and will be the first island nation to be submerged by the oceans once the sea level rises due to global warming. The director Huang Hsinyao left his hometown after the 88 flooding disaster in Taiwan in search of this disappearing island called Tuvalu. The filming process is marked by a succession of unexpected events.