Swamp Woman

Into the vast swamplands hurry three people; honky tonk dancer Annabelle Tollington (Ann Corio), cheap promoter "Flash" Bland (Jay Novello) trying to catch Annabelle, and escaping convict Jeff Carter (Richard Deane), only a few steps ahead of the bloodhounds of Police Lieutenant Rance (Ian MacDonald). Jeff reaches the cabin of Lizbet Tollington (Mary Hull), Annabelle's niece, and fiancée of trapper Pete Oliver (Jack La Rue), Annabelle's ex-sweetheart. Lizbet, seeing Jeff in the mirror as she tries on her wedding gown, believes him to be the man she will eventually marry, as stipulated in an old proverb of the swamps. She hides Jeff from the law. Annabelle, determined to break Lizbet's engagement to Pete, tells him that Lizbet is hiding a man in her cabin. The enraged Pete cools off when he realizes that Lizbet loves Jeff and determines to help him

  • Swamp Lady
English italiano español svenska

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