A l'aube, Anna se réveille près d'une gare de banlieue. Elle est droguée, violée. Anna est confrontée à un policier sceptique. Vexée, elle ne porte pas plainte. Anna démarre ainsi la traque de son violeur grâce à l'hyperosmie, une grande mémoire olfactive et un sens aigu de l'odorat. Grâce aux phéromones sexuelles, elle croit trouver le violeur. A partir de ce moment, toutes ses certitudes basculent. Est-ce bien la bonne personne ?
Anna Kilius and Sara Russo are friends. Sara's goal is to shame Anna, who does not have a lot of romance. They go out in a box. In the middle of the night, Sara, exhausted, decides to go back while Anna stays. At dawn, Anna wakes up near a suburban station. She is drugged, raped. Anna is confronted by a skeptical policeman. Vexed, she does not complain. Anna starts the hunt for her rapist thanks to hyperosmia, a large olfactory memory and a keen sense of smell. Thanks to the sexual pheromones, she thinks she finds the rapist. From that moment, all his certainties rock. Is this the right person?