72 год до Рождества Христова, эпоха жестоких завоеваний и безраздельного владения античным миром. Захваченные имперскими центурионами территории служили для римских хозяев источником получения все новых и новых рабов. Одному из них суждено было бросить вызов машине порабощения. Проданный в рабство еще ребенком Спартак прошел тяжелый путь лишений и истязаний, который только закалил его и сделал великим воином. Этот человек стал предводителем грандиозного восстания рабов, вошедшего в историю человечества.
In the 1st century BC, the Roman Republic has slid into corruption, its menial work done by armies of slaves. One of these, a proud and gifted Thrace named Spartacus, is so uncooperative in his position in a mining pit that he is sentenced to death by starvation. By chance, he is displayed to unctuous Roman businessman Lentulus Batiatus, who - impressed by his ferocity - purchases Spartacus for his gladiatorial school, where he instructs trainer Marcellus to not overdo his indoctrination because he thinks "he has quality". Amid the abuse, Spartacus forms a quiet relationship with a serving woman named Varinia, whom he refuses to rape when she is sent to "entertain" him in his cell. Spartacus and Varinia are subsequently forced to endure numerous humiliations for defying the conditions of servitude.
- Spartacus: Rebel Against Rome
Roma: ano 73 A.C. Spartacus, um escravo de origem trácia, é comprado na Líbia pelo negociante Batiatus e ingressa numa escola para gladiadores. Aqui conhece Varinia, uma escrava da Bretanha, e apaixonam-se. Quando o treino de Spartacus está quase concluído, o ambicioso general Crassus faz uma visita à escola acompanhado pelo seu protegido Glabrus e ordena uma luta até à morte. Spartacus é escolhido para defrontar Draba, um gladiador etíope, que sai vencedor, mas recusando-se a matar Spartacus. Confrontado com a sua ânsia de liberdade, Spartacus escapa com alguns dos companheiros e torna-se líder da maior revolta de escravos alguma vez vista.
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