Pedagóg - „zlodej detstva“ sa znepokojuje nad nevhodnosťou starých rozprávok pre deti. Stará kniha, ako je tá o čarodejniciach a príšerách v jej rukách, zrazu ožije. Utečte z neho čarodejnica Sophie a jej spoločníci: Čierny pazúr, Sivá nočná mora a príšera z červenej slamy, ako aj vodník Aquiline, plachý malý trpaslík Tiny Peat a čarodejnica Lady Spider. Rozptýlili sa medzi mestom a lesmi a robili všetky druhy neplechy. Sophie jednoducho nemôže nechať metlu lietať, pretože príliš tučnela. Monštrá, sklamané storočím, v ktorom žijeme, sa vracajú späť do knihy, čarodejnica Sophie stráca svoju magickú silu a stáva sa z nej „teta Sophie“ a Tiny Peat sa zmenila na čiernu mačku.
An educationalist - a 'thief of childhood' becomes alarmed over the inappropriateness of old, fairy tale stories for children. The old book like the one about witches and monsters in her hands suddenly springs to life. Out from it escape Sophie the Witch and her companions: Black Claw, Gray Nightmare and the Red Straw Monster, as well as the water-sprite Aquiline, the shy little dwarf Tiny Peat, and the enchantress Lady Spider. They scatter among the town and woods and performed all kinds of mischief. Sophie just can't get her broom to fly, because she became too fat. The monsters, disappointed over the century in which we live, return back into the book, the witch Sophie loses her magic power and becomes 'Aunt Sophie', and Tiny Peat has changed into a black cat.
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