Derek Chiu Sung-kei directs this low-budget yarn about a mild-mannered grocery store clerk named Sardine (Dayo Wong Chi-wah) who lives a highly ordered life in an apartment filled with canned goods. His equilibrium is smashed when his landlady evicts him to make way for her daughter Anna (Irene Wan Pik-ha) to move in. When the middle-aged woman keels over from a bad combination of Panadol and liquor, Sardine believes that he is responsible for her death and tries to hide the body. Trouble ensues when Anna finds the corpse in Sardine's apartment while Sardine contends with a devious fellow employee who tries to get him canned from the supermarket.
本片具有极大的讽刺意味。底层劳动人民沙甸鱼(黄子华 饰)为人老实,是一家超市的职员。兢兢业业的工作并没有令沙甸鱼赢得大家的肯定,反而经常受到取笑。沙甸鱼一直都是租房居住,最近更被业主贝太(潘芳芳 饰)逼迁,加上女友一直逼他买房结婚,然而微薄的工资却始终不够,沙甸鱼好不烦恼。一个晚上,贝太与女儿Anna(温碧霞 饰)吵架后来到沙甸鱼家,想找他出气,岂料最后竟然酗酒加服药猝死沙甸鱼家中。本来就已经烦恼缠身的沙甸鱼,这下更惹上了大麻烦,渐渐越陷越深……