
Three youths gather in a cornfield to tell each other scary stories. One of them, Mitch, tells a tale about a boy named Lester Dwervick. Lester is a social outcast whose teacher demeans him for his living in a trailer park with his frequent drunken mother who often brings home drunks from the local bar. Lester is also constantly picked on and harassed by the student body at Emerald Grove High School. The only one who doesn't torment Lester is Judy, the local sheriff's daughter. Lester shows a drawing he made to Stephanie for choosing him to be her science partner and asks her to go to the prom with him, however his affection his met with scoff and ridicule. Lister trudges his way home to find his mother passed out from drinking. Since he has nobody to confide in and in order to give himself hope for the future Lester often draws pictures of birds. Later Lester goes to The French Bulldog, the local fast food joint where he works. There, he is met with his usual torment. Judy stands up for him, but unfortunately when she brings it to the attention of Lester's boss this only results in her getting thrown out. Being driven home, Judy voices her frustration of her friend, Morgan's, attitude towards Lester and angrily decides to walk the rest of the way. Later, Lester thanks Judy for standing up for him. That night he draws a bird of paradise as a form repayment. Morgan persuades Judy to come to a party, while Lester is at home being harassed by his mother's newest boyfriend. The drunk is dismissive about Lester's artwork and breaks the frame of the picture he made for Judy. Frustrated and angry, Lester goes to the party to meet Judy again where he sees one of his bullies drunkenly kiss her. Judy sees Lester, who runs away in grief. Knowing there's nothing left for him anymore, the pressure of it all finally mounts and Lester unleashes all the rage, hate and anger at his mother's boyfriend. The drunk seizes Lester by the throat and forces him into the cornfields outside

français English Português - Brasil
  • Movie ID 61187
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide December 30, 2002
  • Runtime 86 minutes
  • Genres Action Comedy Drama Horror
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages English
  • Production Company The Asylum
  • Production Countries United States of America
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 11, 2025 by

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