A girl school in town plans to found male football team, so it's the first year that the school allows boys to enroll. But, there are only 16 boys who come for the admission and 7 of them turn out to be transsexual. Anyway, as the big final match is going to start soon, the boys are the only hope to reach for the champion. They're put into a tough, and unusual training by former professional football players, and teacher Tukky, a domestic science teacher turns to football coach. This is a great opportunity for the boys to prove their spirit and potentiality.
《足球娘子軍》是由曼谷愛情故事導演坡·阿南帶來的爆笑喜劇,講述一個男性學生人數僅有10人的學校,決定組足球隊參加學生足球聯賽,而這10個男生中卻有一大半是娘娘腔…… 本片風格和2007年的《頑皮鬼》類似,屬純粹的搞笑影片。影片將於4月2日全泰國上映。