La nouvelle enquête du commissaire San-Antonio le place au cœur d'une machination internationale. Le commissaire, en compagnie de ses fidèles adjoints, doit retrouver un gadget ultrasecret qui se trouve en possession de monsieur Walter Klozett. Son enquête l'amènera à affronter des agents soviétiques et la terrible miss Ténébra, qui luttent tous pour acquérir le précieux objet. L'étrange monsieur Klozett, capturé par miss Ténébra, meurt au cours de l'éprouvant interrogatoire qu'elle lui fait subir. San Antonio doit alors se lancer lui-même à la recherche du gadget tant convoité...
The day the spy Walter Klozett leaves prison, the brigade of Commissioner San Antonio (Philippe Gaste) is mobilized to recover an object that he stole from the Soviets and that France wants to recover. But neither San Antonio nor his deputy Bérurier know what it is. They fall into a trap set by Miss Ténébra, a busty spy in the pay of the Arabs who kidnaps them and sends them to the Middle East where the sweetest pleasures alternate with the most vile tortures. But they won't talk. San Antonio, finally released, returns to France. A bomb was grafted into his chest which would explode 24 hours later in case he persisted in not speaking. But the commissioner still does not know what the mysterious object he is looking for. The vision of a film will however allow him to establish an action plan.
Português - Portugal