赛车手叶浩城(窦骁 饰)年少轻狂,曾在多次赛车大奖赛中勇夺冠军,至使他一时目中无人。不久,他与另一位天才车手林司哲(苏见信 饰)相遇,林属于少年老成深藏不露一类,叶浩城乍一见面,便生出莫名敌意,令人想不到的是,他莫名其妙地爱上了林的妹妺林韦彤(张钧甯 饰)。浩城的哥哥宏城早年死于一次非法赛车,恐怖的梦魇一直笼罩在浩城心头好多年,成了他无法打开的心结。为赢得比赛,浩城常常采用危险技术,为此他多次遭教练严叔(曾志伟 饰)斥责。好朋友吴嘉乐(王柏杰 饰)也因助他使用旁门左道而离开了赛车场,从此浩城变得一蹶不振。为使叶浩城重新鼓起重返赛场的信心,严叔等人费尽了心机。
Director Norman Luo and choreographer Bruce Law, along with the four protagonists Eric Tsang, Shawn Dou, Shin and Wang Bojie attended the event. As the first Chinese action film to focus on racing, "Racer Legend" tells the tale of three racers played by Shawn Dou, Shin and Wang Bojie, who all belongs to the same team of racers. Eric Tsang portrays the coach of the team. The famous singer Shin, who makes his film debut in this film, sang the theme song of the film at the press conference. Eric Tsang, the supervisor who also acts in the film, revealed on the set that Shawn has grown up to be mature actor, having developed his acting skills since he was the young actor who played in "Under the Hawthorn Tree".