Il lager di Sachsenhausen, alle porte della città di Berlino, viene concepito, pianificato e costruito dagli architetti delle SS come campo modello, in base ad un concetto ideale di ciò che doveva essere un campo di concentramento. Tra il 1936 e il 1945 vi sono imprigionate più di 200,000 persone, di 22 paesi diversi. Le vittime si contano a decine di migliaia. Tra di esse il figlio maggiore di Stalin, rinchiuso nel lager per volere di Hitler.
The documentary tells the untold story of the Sachsenhausen camp that between 1936 and 1945 was a Nazi concentration camp, and between 1945 and 1950 a Soviet special camp. The concentration camp of Sachsenhausen, on the outskirts of Berlin, is conceived, planned and built by the architects of the SS as a model camp, according to an ideal concept of what was to be a concentration camp. Between 1936 and 1945 there were imprisoned more than 200,000 people from 22 different countries. The victims number in the tens of thousands. Among them, the eldest son of Stalin, locked up in the camp on the orders of Hitler. In August 1945, a few months after the end of World War II, Sachsenhausen back in operation as a Soviet special camp . They reach very high levels of mortality due to conditions of poverty, physical and psychological deterioration to which the prisoners are subjected. The special camp Sachsenhausen is permanently closed in March 1950