Vin, John 'J.J.' Gillis and Carl steal a 50-carat diamond from De Beers and smuggle it trough customs in a cosmetics jar, but the makeup-bag gets lost in Carly's makeup-bag -she didn't know- in the rental Pontiac, which is rented by the time they find out by lawyer Jack McGuire who took his wife Alex along for a bonding weekend, after marital problems, to a coast hotel in Glen Cove. Gillis is shot after kidnapping Jack, the other two crooks demand the bag -trough a misunderstanding locked up in hotel custody- as ransom from Alex, who teams up with former manager Sam Bryant, the hunky, gallant client her husband was to meet there, while sheriff Lathrop believes they are probably criminals themselves...
Les vacances se transforment en cauchemar quand le mari d'Alex est enlevé par d'impitoyables voleurs de diamant. Sans aide de la police locale, Alex doit sauver Jack elle-même, jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'associe avec Sam, un client de Jack en qui elle place toute sa confiance. Ensemble ils découvrent le motif de l'enlèvement : une inversion de voiture de location la laisse en possession d'un diamant volé de 50 carats...
Alex e Jack, una giovane coppia di sposi, stanno trascorrendo un periodo di ferie in una tranquilla cittadina di campagna, ma la vacanza si tramuta in un incubo quando Jack viene improvvisamente rapito da un gruppo di criminali. Ad Alex, ignorata dalla polizia locale e all'oscuro dei motivi del rapimento, non resta che chiedere l'aiuto di Sam, un vecchio amico del marito. I due si trovano coinvolti in una serrata corsa contro il tempo...
Jack (Joseph Kell) y Alex McGuire (Rosanna Arquette) son una pareja que trata de superar sus problemas conyugales pasando un fin de semana en un recóndito lugar situado en la costa. Para llegar hasta allí, el matrimonio alquila un coche en el que la conductora anterior había olvidado un pequeño neceser. A la mañana siguiente, la mujer se extraña al no encontrar a su marido, quien transcurridas unas horas, sigue sin aparecer. Alarmada, se pone en contacto con la policía para localizarle...
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