Roman, avvocato idealista, viene reclutato per unirsi a uno studio legale guidato da George Pierce, ambizioso giurista senza molti scrupoli. L'attivismo sociale del giovane viene presto messa alla prova.
История опытного адвоката-идеалиста с твёрдой хваткой, Романа Дж. Израэля. Череда событий вынуждает героя пойти на крайние меры, противоречащие его профессиональным и моральным принципам.
À la mort de son mentor, Roman J. Israel, avocat aussi idéaliste que déterminé, voit sa vie bouleversée. Dans l’univers des tribunaux surchargés de Los Angeles, celui qui fut son modèle et une figure légendaire des droits civiques laisse un vrai vide. Recruté par l’ambitieux George Pierce, Roman se lie d’amitié avec une militante de l’égalité des droits. Confronté à des événements extrêmes, il va pourtant remettre en question l’engagement qui a déterminé toute sa carrière…
Roman J. Israel is a lawyer working for $500 a week at a small law firm in Los Angeles. In his two-partner office, Israel is responsible for preparing briefs, often focusing on the civil rights of their defendants, while William Jackson, the firm's owner and a well-respected professor, focuses on the courtroom appearances that Israel struggles with. Israel has spent years developing a brief that he believes will bring social reform to the unfair use of plea-bargaining to induce guilty pleas in the justice system. Though short on interpersonal skills, Israel is gifted with a phenomenal memory as well as strong personal convictions on the meaning of justice, which he has pursued at the expense of family.
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