At the age of 18, at his birthday party, Udi experienced the trauma of his life. His childhood sweetheart, Raphaela, leaves him and kisses his brother Lior who is a year younger than him and plays basketball for Maccabi Tel Aviv. Udi holes himself up in his room for three years, disconnecting from any human contact, puts on weight and dedicates his life to Lord of the Rings. When Udi is 21, Lior informs him that their grandmother has passed away and left a will stating that if Uri marries within a month, Udi will receive five million dollars. If he doesn't get married, the money will go to the Friends of the Earth charity in Jaffa. Their grandmother also enclosed a ring with a mysterious power - it is electrifying. If a girl will put it on and doesn't love the guy it will electrify her finger. Udi comes to the decision to leave the room himself and search for a bride in the outside world
Ob Basalt, Sandstein oder Meteoriten: Seit Jahrmillionen bilden Steine das Fundament, auf dem der Mensch sich über die Erde bewegt. In und an ihnen lässt sich die Geschichte des Planeten ablesen. Der Film von Petra Haffter... erkundet die bekanntesten und prägnantesten Steine der Welt: Basalt in Hawaii sowie Sandstein und Meteoriten in Arizona. (Text:zdf)