Des robots venus d'une lointaine galaxie se sont emparés de la Terre et proscrivent aux humains de sortir de leur maison sous peine de mort. Afin de s'assurer du respect de cette interdiction, les envahisseurs implantent sur les humains un dispositif de contrôle pour connaître leurs allées et venues.
Not long after the invasion and occupation of Earth by a race of powerful robots wanting human knowledge and ingenuity, humans are confined to their homes. Leaving without permission would be to risk their lives. Monitored by the electronic implants in their necks, the robot sentries are able to track the movement of humans in order to control them. If any person attempts to exit their home, they are given warnings by the robot sentries to return their home. If he or she does not comply within ten seconds, they are killed.
Die Erde wurde von Robotern aus einer fernen Galaxie erobert. Überlebende sind in ihren Häusern eingesperrt und müssen elektronische Implantate tragen, um die Verbrennung durch Roboterwachen zu riskieren, wenn sie sich nach draußen wagen.
A Terra foi conquistada por robôs de uma galáxia distante. Os sobreviventes estão confinados e obrigados a usar implantes eletrônicos, correndo o risco de serem incinerados por sentinelas robóticas caso tentem escapar.
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