Un nazi es el centro de una compleja trama de espionaje. El agente Bingo intenta desbaratar sus planes.
In 1960s Morocco, an international crime syndicate is hired to eliminate Western secret agents. When a U.S. agent is killed by the syndicate, the U.S. government decides to send-in a freelance mercenary agent named Jimmy Merrill. The government doesn't know who's running the syndicate but a certain Oscar Rubeck is on their radar. Rubeck is a former Nazi intelligence officer who disappeared after WW2 and surfaced later, during the Cold War, as an assassin-for-hire. The U.S. government fears that Communist interests hired Rubeck to eliminate all Western agents in Morocco, thus paving the way for a Communist takeover. Freelance agent Jimmy Merrill arrives in Morocco, under the code-name Bingo, and he's instructed to work with two Norwegian intelligence officers, Erik and Edith. Merrill's task is to locate and capture Rubeck, interrogate him and hand him over to the Norwegians who want Rubeck in Oslo. The Norwegian government suspects that Rubeck is responsible for the 1956 bombing of a .
- Un certain Monsieur Bingo
- Requiem voor een geheim agent
Jimmy (Stewart Granger), ein knallharter Geheimagent, der schöne Frauen liebt und in Ausübung seines Jobs auch mal über Leichen geht, wird von London nach Marakesch geschickt, um die Verbrecherorganisation "Grüner Stern" zu zerschlagen. Er entgeht zahlreichen Anschlägen auf sein Leben, bei denen einige Killer und zwei schöne Frauen das Zeitliche segnen. Dann kommt es zur großen Konfrontation mit Rubeck (Peter van Eyck), dem Chef der Verbrecher...
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