The movie begins in Madurai where a young boy, Sakthi (Johnny), leads a happy life with his parents. A shocking incident changes his life: his parents are murdered by an anti-social. As Sakthi seeks revenge, he is arrested and sent to prison, where he is severely beaten by the guards. While in jail, he is befriended by four young criminals: Pandurangan aka Pandu (Nishanth), Prem Kumar aka Dabba (Theepetti Ganeshan), Mari (Thamizh) and Michael (Sandeep). When these hardcore criminals break loose from the prison, Sakthi follows them, and they help him take revenge on his parent's killers. They take a train to Mumbai, where they plan to become big gangsters. But fate has other plans: they land at Renigunta, where they come across Bunker (Bunker), who acts as mediator between contract killers and clients.
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