在花店工作的虹彩,是个美丽大方的女孩,但漂亮的她却从未谈过一次恋爱......... 但这两年多来,一直有个默默喜欢她的男生占栋,每天都会到她的花店裡找她买花,虹彩却一点都不高兴,请同事转告占栋说她已经有未婚夫了,要占栋打消喜欢她的念头,而占栋得知消息后便选择离开....... 但过了一年后,占栋又突然出现,而他的身分竟然变成妈妈的小情人............ 但再次看到虹彩的占栋,再也忍不住心中的欲望,便将母女绑架带回住处.......... 开始进行他可怕又暴力、疯狂又绝望的性爱⊙_⊙....... 虹彩為了保住自己的性命,会乖乖就范............為失去理性的占栋服务.......? 还是她心中其实另有计谋呢?
Hong-chae has never been in a relationship before and she's tired of the man who has been coming into her flower shop everyday for the past 2 years. She's scared of Jeom-dong who shows obsession and one day tells him that she's got a fiance so to stop coming through her co-worker Hae-wook. Jeom-dong stabs her and runs away. A year later, Hong-chae was living a normal life, without a thought about Jeom-dong when she meets him again. This time, he approaches her through her childish mother, Seon-ae, as her boyfriend. He starts showing crazy love towards them, desperate and violent...