
The film follows the story of Charlie Prince, an orphan living in his late mother's old karaoke bar, The Palace, which she willed to his acerbic and unloving stepfather Arthur. The other employees of the diner, couple Diego and Martha, love Charlie like their own son while his spoiled stepbrothers, the selfish Andrew and the simple-minded Lloyd, only annoy him. All three boys dream of being singers, and while Andrew and Lloyd lack talent (which Arthur is blind to), Charlie is vocally talented and can write music, though he can't seem to catch a break. In the beginning, Charlie is seen performing on the streets of New York City, and the narrator Shawn tips him, telling him: "Next time I see you, it better be on an album cover."

język polski Magyar français Português - Portugal русский язык español English
  • TheTVDB.com Movie ID 13540
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide May 28, 2012
  • Runtime 88 minutes
  • Genres Comedy Drama Musical Romance
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages Danish English
  • On Other Sites IMDB TheMovieDB.com
  • Box Office Worldwide $0
  • Geographic Location New York City
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 1 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified October 11, 2023 by
    wila werewolf

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