Fin novembre, Jérôme, qui maintient difficilement en vie l'exploitation familiale, quitte sa mère et sa campagne pour chercher un emploi à la ville. Il trouve un travail aux services techniques de la mairie : aider Lucien, employé municipal d'une quarantaine d'années, à accrocher les guirlandes lumineuses à l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année. Mais très vite, la municipalité fait appliquer des arrêtés anti-mendicité et Jérôme découvre que La Chignole, un clochard avec qui il s'est lié d'amitié, fait partie du convoi.
In a nice town,the town council wishes a merry Christmas to all the tramps out on the street.Some "security" men round up some of them whom they force to get into their van.The mayor just wants to get rid of them because "for Christmas,there are too many people on the sidewalks and those people would spoil prettily decorated shops!"So they leave them in the cold country ,with a crate full of oranges . Jerome has just arrived from his farm where there was not enough work.He's hired by the town hall and they give him the dirty job to do.Whereas most of his "colleagues" accept this disgusting work,it is not long before he takes a rebel stand,abetted by a young female journalist.