Female detective is on the trail of a serial killer raping and murdering busty women, whose victims include the policewoman's sidekick. Along the way, she seeks help from another cunning serial killer called Lam, already in jail. In exchange for Lam's psychological insight into the case, she may have to pay the ultimate price.
八十年代香港出现雨夜屠夫林过云, 九十年代广州亦出现一个杀人狂魔· 中国公安女刑警倪小丽, 奉命侦查此案· 狂魔手法十分高明, 没留下追寻线索· 倪小丽逐走访香港狱中林过云, 了解狂魔心态与动机· 凭小丽的机智及勇敢, 终发现狂魔下落, 逐身入虎穴。