Psychopatyczny morderca Norman Bates spędził 22 lata w zakładzie psychiatrycznym. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że kuracja odniosła pożądane rezultaty. Po wyjściu z kliniki Bates wraca do posępnego motelu, w którym dopuścił się kiedyś zbrodni. Stare demony zdają się wciąż mieszkać w tym miejscu i znów zaczynają ginąć ludzie. W międzyczasie siostra przed laty zamordowanej Marion stara się o ponowne zamknięcie Batesa, gdyż nie wierzy w jego wyleczenie i nie chce dopuścić do dalszego ciągu krwawych żniw.
After 22 years in a mental institution, Norman Bates has been cured of his insanity and accepted that his mother is dead. As such, the court has him released. Lila Loomis, sister of Marion Crane, vehemently protests, but her plea is dismissed. Against the advice of Dr. Bill Raymond, Norman takes up residence in his old home behind the Bates Motel. He reports to a prearranged job at a nearby diner, where an old lady named Emma Spool works. After work, a young waitress at the diner, Mary Samuels, has been thrown out of her boyfriend's place. Norman offers to let her stay at the motel, then extends the offer to his home when he discovers that the motel's new manager, Warren Toomey, has been using the motel for dealing drugs. He immediately fires Toomey.
Depois de 22 anos internado em uma clínica psiquiátrica, Norman Bates é liberado e tenta voltar para casa e retomar sua vida solitária. Mas os fantasmas de seus crimes e, principalmente, o fantasma de sua mãe, continuam a atormentá-lo.
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