Герой фильма — ветеран войны, работающий в школе для трудных подростков. За его учеником не приехали родители. Учитель берется отвезти парня домой. Но упрямый пацан, затаив на родителей обиду, сбегает от него, и воспитателю ничего не остается, как отправиться на поиски беглеца.
The hero of the film Scrubs – a war veteran who works in a school for troubled teens. On the day of release from the special school his favorite pupil Victor waited in vain for his mother – she did not come for her son, and went out to meet the swimming man, Vitina stepfather. Then the teacher took home Vitya – Aleksey Ivanovich. But when Victor saw the house merry company, his resentment prevailed, and the stubborn kid runs away from the bush, and the caretaker does not do anything but go in search of the fugitive
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