Beto is the keeper of a house in Mexico City - empty for several years already - in which he used to work as a domestic help. The solitude of the last ten years, as well the monotony and routine of his job have made him lead a secluded life, which could seem suffocating for most people, whereas for him it provides a safe and stable environment, in contrast to the threatening outside world. He has develop a pathological fear for this world, to the point of limiting his contacts to only two persons: the lady of the house, for whom he has a feeling of deep gratitude and respect that is translated into obedience; and Lupe, a friend, a confident and a lover. Once he learns that the house has been sold, Beto is confronted to the dilemma of gathering the courage to get out and get a life or find a way of remaining in his confinement.
Beto is the keeper of a house in Mexico City - empty for several years already - in which he used to work as a domestic help. The solitude of the last ten years, as well the monotony and routine of his job have made him lead a secluded life, which could seem suffocating for most people, whereas for him it provides a safe and stable environment, in contrast to the threatening outside world. He has develop a pathological fear for this world, to the point of limiting his contacts to only two persons: the lady of the house, for whom he has a feeling of deep gratitude and respect that is translated into obedience; and Lupe, a friend, a confident and a lover. Once he learns that the house has been sold, Beto is confronted to the dilemma of gathering the courage to get out and get a life or find a way of remaining in his confinement.
Beto est le gardien d'une maison à Mexico, restée vide depuis plusieurs années, dans laquelle il a longtemps travaillé comme domestique. La solitude des dix dernières années, la monotonie et la routine de son travail l'ont incité à mener une vie recluse, qui pourrait sembler étouffante, mais lui fournit un environnement sûr et stable, contrairement au monde extérieur menaçant. Il a développé une crainte pathologique de l'extérieur, au point de limiter ses contacts à deux seules personnes : la propriétaire de la maison, pour qui il a un sentiment de gratitude et de respect profond qui se traduit par un lien d'obéissance ; et Lupe, une amie, à la fois sa confidente et maîtresse. La maison devant être vendue, Beto se demande s'il va à nouveau devoir se confronter au monde extérieur ou s'il va trouver une solution pour rester dans son isolement.