A handsome and talented college student, David Morales, is devastated when a bum knee causes him to lose his scholarship to the University of San Diego. Unwilling to disappoint his proud mother, Morales wastes no time in looking for a job to pay his way through school. So when he meets the mysterious Professor Darabont who offers him a very well paying job to transport sealed packages across the Mexican border, Morales cannot refuse.
A handsome and talented college student, David Morales, is devastated when a bum knee causes him to lose his scholarship to the University of San Diego. Unwilling to disappoint his proud mother, Morales wastes no time in looking for a job to pay his way through school. So when he meets the mysterious Professor Darabont who offers him a very well paying job to transport sealed packages across the Mexican border, Morales cannot refuse.
A handsome and talented college student, David Morales, is devastated when a bum knee causes him to lose his scholarship to the University of San Diego. Unwilling to disappoint his proud mother, Morales wastes no time in looking for a job to pay his way through school. So when he meets the mysterious Professor Darabont who offers him a very well paying job to transport sealed packages across the Mexican border, Morales cannot refuse.
A handsome and talented college student, David Morales, is devastated when a bum knee causes him to lose his scholarship to the University of San Diego. Unwilling to disappoint his proud mother, Morales wastes no time in looking for a job to pay his way through school. So when he meets the mysterious Professor Darabont who offers him a very well paying job to transport sealed packages across the Mexican border, Morales cannot refuse.
A jóképű és tehetséges David Morales elveszíti az ösztöndíját az egyetemen, s mivel nem akar csalódást okozni a büszke anyjának, minden erejével azon van, hogy találjon munkát, amivel finanszírozhatja tanulmányait. Így amikor találkozik a rejtélyes Darabont professzorral, aki nagyon jó pénzt ajánl neki azért, hogy csomagokat szállítson át a mexikói határon, Morales nem habozik sokat, hogy elfogadja-e.
A handsome and talented college student, David Morales, is devastated when a bum knee causes him to lose his scholarship to the University of San Diego. Unwilling to disappoint his proud mother, Morales wastes no time in looking for a job to pay his way through school. So when he meets the mysterious Professor Darabont who offers him a very well paying job to transport sealed packages across the Mexican border, Morales cannot refuse.
Красивый и талантливый студент университета Сан-Диего, Дэвид Моралес вынужден уйти из футбольной команды из-за травмы колена. Нуждаясь в деньгах, для продолжения учёбы, он встречает профессора биологии Дарабонта, который предлагает ему выгодную работу курьера по доставке фармацевтических препаратов из США в Мексику. Но деятельность Дарабонта является незаконной, да и сам он давно на крючке у полиции, переправляет совсем не лекарства, о чем не подозревает наш герой. В результате чего Моралес попадает в жуткие передряги.
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