强硬干练的警花八神瑛子(米仓凉子 饰),隶属于中央署的组织犯罪对策课,工作关系她日常不免和各路黑道分子打交道。曾经正义感十足的瑛子,如今在黑白两道左右逢源,游刃有余。近一段时间,接连两名女性遭人杀害,罪犯作案手法相同,受害者也有着共通之处。其中一名死者是千波组老大章吾(西田敏行 饰)的女儿,该组若头(阵内孝则 饰)雇佣瑛子追查真正凶手。瑛子顺着另一名死者的线索查到中国黑帮,而就在此时他被上司富永昌弘(渡部笃郎 饰)拉入搜查总部,以监视其任何不轨行动。但即便如此,瑛子依然为达目的不择手段,践行着她所笃定的正义……
Eiko Yagami fait partie de "Marubo", une unité de la Division du crime organisé du Commissariat central de police d'Ueno qui traite directement avec les gangs organisés pour essayer de maintenir la paix. Un jour, Kasumi, fille du chef du gang Senma-gumi, est retrouvé poignardée à mort. Comme cela menace de monter les gangs les uns contre les autres, Eiko et la police doivent se dépêcher de trouver son assassin.
Eiko Yagami (Ryoko Yonekura) is a "Marubo", a unit of Ueno Central Police Station's Organized Crime Division which deals directly with organized gangs to try and keep the peace. However, Eiko has some sidelines: she's a moneylender to her fellow police officers without charging interest in return for information and is also willing to do the odd side job for those on the criminal side for the money. One day, Kasumi (Riho Takada), who is the daughter of Senma-gumi gang's leader (Toshiyuki Nishida), is found stabbed to death. As this threatens to pit gang against gang, Eiko and the police have to hurry and find her killer.