Август 1941‑го. Линия фронта ушла на восток… Трое сбежали из плена. Им некуда податься. Кругом – враги. Лес полон страхов. Болота затягивают. В деревне – Старик. Кто он? Чужой? Свой? Кто они для него? Чужие? Свои? Они – в его власти. Их можно убить. Их можно сдать в комендатуру. Но один из них – его сын. Младший. Любимый. Снайпер.
In October 1941, the Soviet Union is experiencing an Operation Barbarossa by Nazi Germany. Despite Soviet resistance, the Germans occupy large parts of the country. In a so far unoccupied part of the disputed Pskov Oblast, an NKVD officer (Sergey Garmash) arrives at an officer's building and speaks to a NKVD officer, handing him the documents of a fallen Red Army soldier. Suddenly, a grenade explodes and German special assault troops enter the building and open fire. "Checkist" and his NKVD comrade, a political instructor called "Livshits" (Konstantin Khabensky) flee and, amid the chaos and gunfire, discard their uniforms in a local laundry, knowing that German troops Commissar Order and Jews. Eventually, they are caught by soldiers from a German motorized infantry unit and led westward along with many other prisoners.
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