Heroes never die, especially in the Korean War, as we see from watching endless Hollywood movies. Well, when the conflict is viewed from the other side, and the movie is THE NORTH KOREAN produced ORDER NO. 027, the HEROES OF THE (NORTH) KOREAN PEOPLE's ARMY never die either! This is basically a Korean War martial arts movie, with a commando scout team skilled with the magical powers of Taek-Won-Do on a secret mission behind the enemy lines of the U.S imperialist aggressors and their South Korean puppet army allies during the Korean War. They have to retrieve vital papers from a female spy who is working in a local headquarters of the Southern army, and annihilate a South Korean ranger corps. Non-Stop martial arts and gun fights finally lead the HEROES OF THE (NORTH) KOREANS PEOPLE ARMY to their goal and victory.
一支朝鲜特种兵小分队奉命插入敌人心脏,打击敌人,了解空降到我方的敌人位置。他们在3天内,捣毁敌参谋部,炸毁敌机场,凯旋而归。 这部影片不仅带有朝鲜影片特有的抒情歌唱,而且片中还将中国武功糅合在一起,是部饶有风味的“朝鲜武打片”。
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