På en skole beslutter en gruppe elever at gøre oprør, efter at skoleinspektøren har censureret deres skoleblad "Kirsebærstenen". De besætter skolen og med tv's bistand sørger de for, at det ikke spænder helt så stille af, som skoleinspektøren og lærerne havde håbet på.
The headmaster of a Copenhagen suburban school, Rektor 'Polle', summons Hugo Knudsen, chief editor of the school magazine Kirsebærstenen (The Cherry Stone) and announces that the magazine must be closed because of its critical writings. Hugo doesn't give in without fighting, and he unites with fellow pupils (mainly 6th graders) to make sure the magazine survives. The pupils start their opposition, including demonstrations, fighting the teachers, and even occupying the school kitchen, staying there for days. They also contact nearby homes for elderly people who unite with the pupils in their struggle for free speech. The antagonism gets settled through negotiations, but were the results really satisfying to Hugo? —Erik Thau-Knudsen