Movie edit of the 1991 Only Fools and Horses Christmas Special: Rodney receives his 'Maxwell Money' from the printing firm's pension fund. Del suggests he buys two tickets to Miami for him and Cassandra. When she can't go, he suggests who could take her place as well. He is in a bit of bother about some Romanian Riesling and needs to lay low for a while. Who's this guy in front of him in the queue for the Virgin Atlantic Flight? He's acting like he owns the plane! When they get to Miami, Delboy and Rodney haven't been there a day yet and they've had their camera stolen and then all their luggage and money as well. How lucky they bumped into these nice 'Family' boys at the nightclub and they can stay with them. What they don't know is that there is a Godfather involved and they are expendable. On the run in the Everglades is not a fun experience, but maybe they will bump into someone they know!
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