高校ではフツーに友達を作ってフツーに恋がしたい! 地元から離れた高校へ入学したけど、過保護な若頭・宇藤啓弥(26)が年齢詐称して一咲の高校に裏口入学!? 「恋愛なんて一咲さんには早すぎます」と訴え、男を近づけない気満々の啓弥。 だけど、実は一咲はずっと前から啓弥に片想いしていてー!?
- Ojō to Banken-kun
- Ojou to Banken-kun
Isaku never asked to be the daughter of a yakuza boss, but when her parents died in a car accident when she was 5, her gangster grandfather took her in and raised her as part of the clan. After years of being avoided by her schoolmates because of her family ties, Isaku is finally ready to make her high-school debut, live a normal life, and maybe even find love...until loyal family servant and Isaku's dedicated guardian, 26-year-old Keiya, enters high school right alongside her and vows to protect her from all of the above! Now she's got a chain-smoking, pistol-wielding knight-in-shining(?)-armor to deal with, and navigating high school besides? What's a young lady to do?!