Смерть родителей сильно повлияла на судьбу двух осиротевших детей. По прошествии времени, в двадцатилетнем возрасте, сестра все еще продолжает так считать и хочет доказать брату, что привидение, вышедшее из зеркала, стало причиной гибели близких людей и всех случившихся последующих бед…
The film takes place in two different times: the present and 11 years earlier. The two plot lines are told in parallel through Flashback (narrative). In 2002, software engineer Alan Russell moves into a new house with his wife Marie, 10-year-old son Tim, and 12-year-old daughter Kaylie. Alan purchases an antique mirror to decorate his office. Unbeknownst to them, the mirror supernaturally induces hallucinations. Marie is haunted by visions of her own body decaying, while Alan is seduced by a ghostly woman named Marisol, who has mirrors in place of eyes.
Kaylie Russell stara się oczyścić z zarzutów skazanego za morderstwo brata. Chce dowieść, że przestępstwo zostało popełnione przez istoty nadprzyrodzone.
Cokolwiek będziesz chciał zrobić, nie zamykaj oczu
Tim e Kaylie são dois irmãos traumatizados pela morte inexplicada dos pais. Quando Tim sai de um hospital psiquiátrico, após anos internado, ele tem certeza de que a causa da tragédia familiar é um grande espelho que acompanha a família há séculos. Cercados por fenômenos paranormais, os dois tentam provar que o objeto é o verdadeiro responsável pela sangrenta história de seus ascendentes.
русский язык
Português - Portugal
język polski
Português - Brasil