이란 남부에서 유명한 가수이자 작곡가, 그리고 기타리스트인 에브라힘 몬세피(에브람)의 삶과 죽음에 대한 다큐멘터리이다. 그는 70년 전 반다르아바스에서 태어나 50살에 세상을 떠났다. 그의 음악은 죽음 직후에 점차 알려지고 발표되기 시작했다.
"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" is a documentary film about the life and death of Ebrahim Monsefi, commonly known as Ebram; a popular southern guitar player, singer and poet in Iran who was born 70 years ago in Bandar-Abbas and passed away 50 years afterwards. He suffered such a sad end that it made it almost impossible for anyone to tell if he committed suicide or died a natural death. Although he passed away almost two decades ago, thoughts and debates still continue about the cause and reason for his death. Ebrahim spent his whole life writing lyrics and composing music in solitude and recorded them in solitude as well, he never recorded in a studio. Since his death, his works have been discovered and published little by little, and over time more and more people have referred to his music and several musicians have started covering them. Many have become interested in his life. He has reached fame posthumously